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- eXelearningen oinarrizko aukerak aztertzea.
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- Materialen iturriak hodeian gorde elkarlana errazteko.
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- eXelearningen Roadmap eta proiektuan elkarlana egiteko erak.
I see cases for both approaches. I usually run simpler queries right in the template files and only abstract the code into a plugin/functions.php if additional logic or caching is required.Also, depending on the project, instead of abstracting redundant code to a plhnin/fugctions.pup, I’ll abstract them to template parts. This way I can test new functionality and call modified versions of the template parts as needed.
Do you think the "there must be hope" thing is a specifically YA shibboleth though, or more the human tendency to crave a happy ending? Lots of non-young adults also like a happy ending…
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If you’re reading this, you’re all set, pardner!